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More About me...


Hello, I'm Jeffrey!

As a kid I was a pretty avid hobbyist photographer. When travelling around Canada with my family, primarily my Grandmother, I would fill up those Kodak disposable cameras and always asked for more. In my adolescence photography fell away and my interests had shifted, but it was always there in some capacity. 

In 2015 I ran into Urban YEG, a photography community here in Edmonton, and remembered how much I loved to take photos when I was a kid. The next week I purchased my first DSLR camera. 

Late that year I was offered an associate photographer position with an Edmonton fitness magazine called YEG Fitness. This was my fist exposure into more professional editorial work. I jumped in with both feet and had to sweat through some pressuring environments that forced me to learn, quickly. In 2017 I was given a photographer title and continue to grow and produce images for articles, advertisements and covers. 

In October 2017 I decided to incorporate my photography business, Jeffrey Paul Kelly Photography, under  Archive Four Forty Four Inc. and delve deeper into growth and development; both professionally and personally. 

Throughout my photography career I have been fortunate to have opportunity to photograph brands like; Oilers Nation, Apollo Originals, Oodle Noodle, Rocky Mountain Soap Company, Revolution Cycle, Rock Jungle Fitness, Yoga Life, FC Edmonton, The Base by River Valley Health, Drift Float Studio, Xtend Barre among others. 

I love to create strong images that stand out and hold attention. Please feel free to browse my webpage to see what I mean!


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